3.2 Local Child Safeguarding Practice Review (LCSPR)
This procedure was updated on 10/01/24 and is currently uptodate.
- Introduction(Jump to)
- Regulations and serious case review criteria(Jump to)
- Purpose of LCSPRs and other learning reviews(Jump to)
- Key Principles of LCSPRs and other forms of learning reviews(Jump to)
- Referring a case for review(Jump to)
- Considering a case for review(Jump to)
- Notifications(Jump to)
- Cross-border serious case reviews(Jump to)
- SCR Methodologies(Jump to)
- Cases that do not meet the criteria for SCR(Jump to)
- Process for conducting a serious case review(Jump to)
- Involving families(Jump to)
- Parallel Processes(Jump to)
- Freedom of information requests(Jump to)
- Publication of reports(Jump to)
- Media Interest(Jump to)
- Dissemination of learning(Jump to)
- Appendix(Jump to)
- Related Policies, Procedures, and Guidance(Jump to)
3.2.1 | Working Together to Safeguarding Children states that professionals and organisations protecting children need to reflect on the quality of their services and learn from their own practice and that of others. Good practice should be shared so that there is a growing understanding of what works well. Equally, when things go wrong there needs to be robust and objective analysis of what happened and why, so that lessons can be learned and services improved to reduce the risk of future harm to children. |
3.2.2 | This procedure has been written to support the work of the Buckinghamshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (BSCP) and partners so that:
Regulations and serious case review criteria
3.2.3 | Working Together 2018 states the requirement for LSCPs to undertake reviews of serious cases in specified circumstances where: |
3.2.4 | ‘Seriously harmed’ in this context includes, but is not limited to, cases where the child has sustained, as a result of abuse or neglect, any of the following:
This definition is not exhaustive and, even if a child recovers, this does not mean that serious harm cannot have occurred. |
3.2.5 | Cases where (a) and either b(i) OR b(ii) have been met must always trigger an LCSPR. |
3.2.6 | Regulation b(i) includes cases where a child has died by suspected suicide. |
3.2.7 | Where a child has been seriously harmed, but has not died, unless there is definitive evidence that there are no concerns about inter-agency working, an LCSPR must be commissioned. |
3.2.8 | An LCSPR should always be carried out when a child dies (including suicide) in the one of the following circumstances, even if one of the criteria is not met:
Purpose of LCSPRs and other learning reviews
3.2.9 | Reviews are not ends in themselve The purpose of reviews is to:
3.2.10 | An LCSPR is not an inquiry into how a child has died – this is for the Coroner to investigate. It is not a criminal investigation to determine who is responsible – where necessary, that is for the police to determine. It is not a disciplinary investigation – where necessary, that is for individual agencies to deal with. All children have the right to grow up in an environment that is nurturing, safe and free from harm, and that we all have a responsibility to do what we can to make that a reality. We recognise that too many children continue to be harmed despite the good work that is done every day by practitioners and others to promote their welfare and protect them from harm. |
Key Principles of LCSPRs and other forms of learning reviews
3.2.11 | LCSPRs and other forms of learning review should recognise the complex circumstances in which professionals work together to safeguard children. They should seek to understand who did what, and the underlying reasons that led individuals and organisations to act as they did, and they should try to do this from the viewpoint of those involved at the time, rather than using hindsight. The following key principles should be adhered to during any kind of review:
The expectation is that the lived experience and the voice of a child, where possible and appropriate, should be at the core of a Review and visible within the contents of a report. |
Referring a case for review
3.2.12 | All partner agencies are responsible for identifying cases of concern that may meet the criteria for an LCSPR and bringing them to the attention of the BSCP. |
3.2.13 | Representatives of any partner organisation who feel that a case may meet the criteria for a LCSPR are encouraged to discuss this with the designated person/senior safeguarding representative within their own organisation before making a referral. |
3.2.14 | Professionals should consider the criteria set out in section 2. If they believe the criteria might be met, they should complete and submit an LCSPR referral form. |
3.2.15 | LSCPs are also required to consider conducting reviews on cases which do not meet the LCSPR criteria. In such cases, the BSCP may decide to commission some other form of learning review. |
3.2.16 | Where it is not clear whether a case meets the criteria for an LCSPR, or where an agency feels there would be benefit in conducting a learning review, the case should still be submitted to the LCSPR Sub Group for consideration using the LCSPR referral form. |
Considering a case for review
3.2.17 | The BSCP Business Manager will inform the Independent Chair of the BSCP and the Chair of the LCSPR Sub Group that a notification has been received and will ensure cases requiring consideration are placed on the agenda of the next LCSPR Sub Group meeting. |
3.2.18 | Working Together states that a case should be subject to a decision within one month of notification of the incident. Therefore, the BSCP Business Manager and Chair of the LCSPR Sub Group should agree whether an extraordinary meeting of the Sub Group is required to meet this timescale. |
3.2.19 | If the LCSPR Sub Group agrees that a case does or may meet the criteria for an LCSPR, the BSCP Business Manager will immediately notify all Board members that the case is being considered for an LCSPR and that information will need to be gathered to inform decision making and/or to feed into the first LCSPR Panel meeting. Board members will be asked to:
A clear timeframe will be provided for providing this information. |
3.2.20 | The discussions and decisions of the LCSPR Sub Group will be minuted. Decision-making should be evidence-based and explicit. Any disputes should be referred to the Independent Chair of the BSCP who has ultimate responsibility for the decision. |
3.2.21 | If the LCSPR Sub Group feels that information is missing, it may defer a recommendation and adjourn until further information is available and all the facts established. Such a delay may impact on the required timescales for making a decision. Therefore, agencies should ensure they provide full and comprehensive information at the earliest possible opportunity. |
3.2.22 | The Chair of the LCSPR Sub Group will put the Sub Group’s recommendation in writing to the Independent Chair of the BSCP within one month of the notification of the incident using section 2 of the LCSPR Referral Form (Appendix A). Dependent on the outcome of discussions, the recommendation will be one of the following:
3.2.23 | The Independent Chair of the BSCP will make his/her decision upon receipt of this recommendation and reply in writing to the Chair of the LCSPR Sub Group using Section 3 of the LCSPR Referral Form . |
3.2.24 | The Chair of the LCSPR Sub Group will inform the referrer of the Chair’s decision. |
3.2.25 | Although the final decision rests with the Chair of the BSCP, the Chair may seek peer challenge from another LSCP Chair when considering this decision and also at other stages in the LCSPR process |
3.2.26 | The Chair of the BSCP will notify Board members of his/her decision. If the decision is not to initiate a LCSPR or any other type of learning review, Board members will be advised that associated records no longer need to be kept secure. |
3.2.27 | The Chair of the BSCP will advise Ofsted, the Department for Education and the The Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel of his/her decision within five working days, as per Working Together 2018. |
3.2.28 | In cases where the BSCP Chair has decided to initiate a LCSPR, the Chair should provide the National Panel with the names(s) of the reviewer(s) appointed to conduct the LCSPR and the methodology that will be used for the review. |
3.2.29 | In cases where the BSCP Chair has decided not to initiate a LCSPR, the decision will be subject to scrutiny by the National Panel. The BSCP should provide information to the National Panel on request to inform its deliberations and the Chair of the BSCP should be prepared to attend in person to give evidence to the National Panel. |
Cross-border serious case reviews
3.2.30 | When the BSCP decides to conduct an SCR and agencies in other LSCP areas have been involved, the Chair of the BSCB will inform the Chair of any other relevant LSCP. Together they will agree whether the SCR will be conducted as: (a) a single LSCP review with limited input from the other LSCP; or (b) a joint LCSPR where members of each LCSPR Panel work together as an expanded panel. |
3.2.31 | This decision will depend on the complexity of the case and the degree of involvement of each partner agency. |
3.2.32 | When another LSCP instigates an LCSPR which involves agencies in Buckinghamshire, the Chair of the BSCP will respond to the request by notifying all relevant agencies and make requests for contributions on behalf of the other LSCP. |
3.2.33 | In such cases, the LCSPRSub Group should have sight, at the earliest opportunity, of all findings and recommendations arising from local reports. This will ensure the BSCP is alerted to local issues to be addressed and can ensure that relevant local agencies are told about and implement any recommendations. |
SCR Methodologies
3.2.34 | Working Together is not prescriptive about the methodology for an LCSPR. Any learning model can be used as long as it is consistent with the principles set out in this guidance and in Working Together. |
3.2.35 | There are a number of methodologies which can be used and the list below is not exhaustive. A relevant and proportionate methodology should be agreed by the LCSPR Sub Group on a case-by-case basis. Examples of methodologies include:
Cases that do not meet the criteria for SCR
3.2.36 | The LCSPR Sub Group should consider an alternative form of learning review where the criteria for an LCSPR are not met. A relevant and proportionate methodology should be selected on a case by case basis. Examples include:
3.2.37 | As with LCSPRs the BSCP will monitor the implementation of actions resulting from these reviews and reflect on progress in its annual report. |
Process for conducting a serious case review
3.2.38 | The process will vary depending on the methodology being used. |
3.2.39 | The LCSPR Panel should aim for completion of an LCSPR within six months of initiating. If this is not possible (for example because of potential prejudice to related court proceedings), every effort should be made to ensure this does not prevent any learning being captured and any corrective action being taken. |
Appointing an Independent SCR Author | |
3.2.40 |
Appointing an LCSPR Panel Chair | |
3.2.41 | The LCSPR Sub Group should recommend a suitable person to act as Chair for the LCSPR Panel. This can be someone from a local agency as long as that agency was not involved in the case. The Chair should have relevant skills taking into account the specific issues in the case. |
3.2.42 | The LCSPR Panel Chair is responsible for:
3.2.43 | The LCSPR Panel Chair and BSCP Business Manager should ensure that:
Setting up an LCSPR Panel | |
3.2.44 |
Role of the LCSPR Panel | |
3.2.45 | The LCSPR Panel is collectively responsible for the quality, effectiveness and timeliness of the review. The specific functions of the panel are:
Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel Guidance for Partners (Publishing Services .Gov.uk) |
Developing the Terms of Reference | |
3.2.46 |
Individual Agency Reports | |
3.2.47 |
Agency Chronologies | |
3.2.48 | A chronology is a succinct summary and overview of the significant dates and events in the life of a child and their family. A chronology will usually be requested form participating agencies as part of an LCSPR. |
Presentation of Final Overview Report and Combined Action Plans to the BSCP | |
3.2.49 |
Involving families
3.2.50 | It is good practice for relevant family members to be invited to contribute as fully as possible to the LCSPR process, unless there are clear reasons to exclude or limit their participation. This may include grandparents or siblings who were closely involved with the child and have a useful contribution about the family’s experiences of services. Although this is difficult and a painful time for the family, sensitive engagement should be sought. All attempts to engage should be fully recorded in the final report. |
3.2.51 | Responsibility for discussing and planning the family participation rests with the LCSPR panel and Chair. The panel should consider how and when it would be best for the family to contribute and who should facilitate their involvement and give feedback to the family. Each case is unique and it is therefore important that the LCSPR Panel carefully considers the best means of notifying families and how support may be offered to them, e.g. through existing services and/or the use of an advocate. |
3.2.52 | Families must always be informed that an LCSPR is taking place and an explanation given about what to expect, media coverage and that their names will be kept confidential. If the family does not wish to contribute or the Panel considers it to be inadvisable, the reasons should be fully recorded and included in the overview report. |
3.2.53 | Communication with family members should be face to face wherever possible, following communication to explain the purpose of the LCSPR and inviting them to contribute. It is good practice to allow any contributing family members to agree how their views are included and to see the report before it is published. Where possible the final report should clearly evidence how the family's views have been used to influence lessons learned from the review. |
3.2.54 | If there is a criminal investigation, the timing for interviewing family members will need to be arranged in conjunction with the legal processes. It is important that the LCSPR Panel receives appropriate advice and plans this carefully with the police Senior Investigating Officer, taking into account the views of the Crown Prosecution Service, with support from the Partnership legal adviser. |
Parallel Processes
3.2.55 | A number of other processes may take place alongside an LCSPR, including on-going criminal investigations, Coroner inquiries, Serious Adult Reviews, Domestic Homicide Reviews or single agency Serious Incident Reviews. |
3.2.56 | In most cases parallel processes should not delay the process of the LCSPR and every effort should be taken to avoid any delay in learning. |
3.2.57 | In all cases, an early meeting/discussion should take place between the LCSPR Panel Chair and relevant parties, such as the police, the Crown Prosecution Service or the Coroner, to clarify how the review can be progressed without delay and any instances where information may need to be shared. In some cases it may not be possible to fully complete or publish the review until after other processes are concluded, but this should not prevent lessons from being identified and implemented. |
3.2.58 | In the case of parallel criminal proceedings, advice must be sought from the police about whether interviewing involved staff or sharing information may prejudice these processes. Discussions should bear in mind CPS guidance on conducting LCSPRs alongside criminal processes. |
Freedom of information requests
3.2.59 | The Freedom of Information Act 2000 provides the public with a general right of access to information held by public bodies, such as local government, the police, the NHS and state schools. LSCPs are not public bodies and are therefore exempt from this Act. |
3.2.60 | However, unless there are exceptional circumstances, the BSCP will publish a full overview report and, where agreed, an executive summary of the LCSPR at the conclusion of the review or when any associated judicial enquiries are completed. Any additional information associated with LCSPRs should not be shared without the authorisation of the Independent Chair of the BSCP. |
Publication of reports
3.2.61 | Working Together states that all reviews of cases meeting the LCSPR criteria should result in a report which is published and readily accessible on the BSCP’s website for a minimum of 12 months. Thereafter, the report should be made available on request. This is important to support national sharing of lessons learnt and good practice in writing and publishing LCSPRs. |
3.2.62 | From the very start of the review process, the fact that the report will be published should be taken into consideration. The overview report should be written in such a way that publication will not be likely to harm the welfare of any children or adults involved in the case and it should be suitable for publication without needing to be amended or redacted. |
3.2.63 | The BSCB should publish, either as part of the LCSPR report or in a separate document, information about:
3.2.64 | When compiling and preparing to publish reports, LSCPs should consider carefully how best to manage the impact of publication on children, family members and others affected by the case. |
3.2.65 | LSCPs must comply with the Data Protection Act 1998 in relation to LCSPRs, including when compiling or publishing the report, and must comply also with any other restrictions on publication of information, such as court orders. |
3.2.66 | LSCPs should send copies of all LCSPR reports to Ofsted, the Department for Education and the National SCR Panel at least one week before publication. |
3.2.67 | If an LSCP considers that a LCSPR report should not be published, it should inform Ofsted, the Department for Education and the National SCR Panel, which will provide advice to the LSCP. The LSCP should provide all relevant information to the National SCR Panel on request to inform its deliberations.
Child Safeguarding Rapid Review Examples. (Publishing Services .Gov.uk) |
Media Interest
3.2.68 | All media enquiries regarding LCSPRs must be referred to the Independent Chair of the BSCP via the BSCP Business Manager. |
3.2.69 | The BSCP will ensure that a media strategy is developed in advance of publishing an LCSPR, including, where appropriate, an agreed statement which will be shared with relevant partners. The BSCP will liaise with the local authority’s Communications Team and nominated media contacts of relevant partner agencies prior to publication to ensure all relevant parties are fully briefed. |
3.2.70 | Any media enquiries relating to services or individuals associated with an LCSPR should also be discussed with the BSCP Chair to ensure that consistent and clear messages are provided in a co-ordinated response. |
Dissemination of learning
3.2.71 | The BSCP Learning and Improvement Framework supports a culture of continuous learning and improvement across the organisations which work together to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. |
3.2.72 | Methods for sharing LCSPR learning include:
3.2.73 | Referral to LCSPR Sub Group Working Together provides clear criteria about when the Buckinghamshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (BSCP) should conduct a Serious Case Review (LCSPR). For cases that do not meet the criteria for an LCSPR, the Sub Group will consider where another form of partnership or learning review may be appropriate to ensure lessons are learned. Where partners feel a serious incident does not meet the definition for a LCSPR, but cannot be dealt with internally by the referring agency alone, the Sub Group can consider making a recommendation on whether there should be a wider review involving more than one agency. This form should also be used for referring such cases. Anyone wishing to refer a case to the LCSPR Sub Group should discuss the case, and their reasons for referring it, with their agency’s Designated Safeguarding Lead/Officer before making the referral. They should then notify the BSCP as soon as possible. Please send the completed form to: BSCP@Buckinghamshire.gov.uk Referral form for LCSPR Rapid Review
Related Policies, Procedures, and Guidance
- Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel guidance for safguarding partners (Publishing.service.govu.uk)
- Child safeguarding rapid review examples (publishin.service.gov.uk)
- Completing Chronologies: Guidance
- Learning and Improvement Framework
- Neglect Guidance
- Child Death Overview Panel Procedure
- Rapid Response Procedure