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This contents list is sub divided into the following parts, each part contains relevant Chapters/Procedures: (Click on the title to jump to the part you require):
- 1. Assessing Need and Providing Help
- 2. Joint Working Procedures and Guidance
- 3. Children in Specific Circumstances
- 4. Harmful Practices Linked to Faith or Culture
- 5. Exploitation
- 6. Parents who have Additional Needs
- 7. Adults who Pose a Risk of Harm to Children
- 8. The Safeguarding Children Partnership and Organisational Responsibilities
- 9. Local Strategies and Other Strategic Documents
1. Assessing Need and Providing Help
2. Joint Working Procedures and Guidance
3. Children in Specific Circumstances
4. Harmful Practices Linked to Faith or Culture
5. Exploitation
6. Parents who have Additional Needs
7. Adults who Pose a Risk of Harm to Children
8. The Safeguarding Children Partnership and Organisational Responsibilities
9. Local Strategies and Other Strategic Documents
- 9.1
BSCP Multi-Agency Information Sharing Code of Practice
Buckinghamshire Multi Agency Neglect Strategy
Buckinghamshire Joint Chairs Protocol
Local Buckinghamshire Council Terrorist and Extremism webpage
Prevent duty guidance - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Prevent and the Channel process in the NHS: information sharing and governance - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)